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Brock Peterson

Aria Operations API Bearer Token Expiration

We've been discussing Operations and Operations for Logs APIs recently, but didn't touch on the Operations Bearer Token expiration, let's explore.

As shown here, the Operations for Logs Bearer Token has a 30m expiration by default, it's called the Time to Live (TTL). However, the Aria Operations Bearer Token has no such expiration, rather it has a 6 hour expiration, which is extended each time its used. For example, let's go get one:

The Swagger UI Response Body shows the Bearter Token expiresAt date:

  "token": "98c5b2a0-1517-4104-9895-fd3faf5b77cc::91b3f9bd-584d-41a6-a5b2-e66961ad14ff",
  "validity": 1730067295451,
  "expiresAt": "Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 10:14:55 PM Coordinated Universal Time",
  "roles": []

And the Putty session top right shows the current date command on the Operations primary node:

root@vcf-operations-bpeterson [ ~ ]# date
Sun Oct 27 04:15:03 PM UTC 2024

As you can see, the expiration is 6 hours from now. There is no configurable TTL for the Operations Bearer Token, but each time its used, that expiration is extended for another 6-hours. If I run a GET /api/resources (or any other API call using the Bearer Token), it will then be extended by another 6 hours, see here.

Keep this in mind when using the Aria Operations API Bearer Token.


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