We've been discussing Operations and Operations for Logs APIs recently, but didn't touch on the Operations Bearer Token expiration, let's explore.
As shown here, the Operations for Logs Bearer Token has a 30m expiration by default, it's called the Time to Live (TTL). However, the Aria Operations Bearer Token has no such expiration, rather it has a 6 hour expiration, which is extended each time its used. For example, let's go get one:
The Swagger UI Response Body shows the Bearter Token expiresAt date:
"token": "98c5b2a0-1517-4104-9895-fd3faf5b77cc::91b3f9bd-584d-41a6-a5b2-e66961ad14ff",
"validity": 1730067295451,
"expiresAt": "Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 10:14:55 PM Coordinated Universal Time",
"roles": []
And the Putty session top right shows the current date command on the Operations primary node:
root@vcf-operations-bpeterson [ ~ ]# date
Sun Oct 27 04:15:03 PM UTC 2024
As you can see, the expiration is 6 hours from now. There is no configurable TTL for the Operations Bearer Token, but each time its used, that expiration is extended for another 6-hours. If I run a GET /api/resources (or any other API call using the Bearer Token), it will then be extended by another 6 hours, see here.
Keep this in mind when using the Aria Operations API Bearer Token.