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Authenticating with the Aria Operations API

Brock Peterson

The Aria Operations API is a powerful way of interacting programatically with Operations. There are several ways to authenticate with the API, let's explore them here.

First, the Operations API can be accessed at the following URL: https://operations_ip_or_fqdn/suite-api

The easiest way is local authentication via the Authorize button top right of the API home page, which you can do like this.

The Authorize button issues a POST /suite-api/api/auth/token/acquire and caches that Bearer Token for use within the Swagger UI. Similar to generating a Bearer Token like this, see the Response Body at the bottom.

You could acquire your Bearer Token via an API tool like Postman as well, like this.

You can use this Bearer Token in the Authorization tab of all subsequent calls (at least until it expires).

If you'd like to use Basic Authentication you'll have to enable it like this. As you can see Basic Auth is currently disabled in my environment and thus my request is failing.

I've adjusted basicAuthentication.enabled=true and cycled the API service via "service api restart" and retried.

As you can see in the Response Body, we got a list of Super Metrics as desired. The Operations API is very powerful, use it!


David Wilde
David Wilde
Oct 16, 2024

Brock, are you aware if Basic Authentication can be enabled for vRA? I cant locate a KB for that.

Brock Peterson
Brock Peterson
Oct 27, 2024
Replying to

If there is, I can't find documentation of it, and don't have a lab currently. I'll let you know what I find as soon as I can.

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