Years ago we had a tool that helped to automate the creation of Adapter Instances in Aria Operations, allowing you to easily create hundreds of Adapter Instances if necessary. Unfortunately, the GitHub Repo it sat in is gone, so I wrote my own, here it is.
It's a BASH Shell Script that makes calls to the Aria Operations API surface to creeate HPE Proliant Adapter Insteances, but could be adapted for any Adapter Instance type you'd like. It first generates a Token, then uses that Token in subsequent calls. It will ask for your Operations Primary Node IP, your local admin password, and it'll create HPE ProLiant Adapter Instances (based on an input file listed your HPE Proliant iLOs) using an existing credential. You will want to change this credential key in the script to match your environment, but I'm using the same credential on all iLOs.
Here you can see I have a list of 5 iLOs.
root@vcf-operations-bpeterson [ ~/scripts ]# cat ilos.txt
Running the script looks like this.
Thanks to my colleague Rohith Naik for the API Parameter formatting tip!
And now over in Operations we have our Adapter Instances!

There is a lot more we can do here: change names, descriptions, Advanced Settings, and more. Take the script and make it yours, enjoy!