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Log Filtering with VMware Aria Operations for Logs SaaS

Brock Peterson

You have logs coming into VMware Aria Operations for Logs SaaS, maybe too many logs, how to filter what you need? Log Processing Rules!

Log into Aria Operations for Logs SaaS, go to Log Management - Log Processing Rules, and Filter Logs.

This is where you can filter out logs that you may not want. To create a new filter click on NEW CONFIGURATION.

There are several options here, in order to drop logs with a certain text string, give the filter a name and define the Query, something like this.

In this case, the filter will drop logs that contain the string. There is another option, Drop selected Fields, which will remove the selected fields from logs, but ingest the log itself.

Below that, we have the ability to Filter at Source, which means we will drop the logs at the Cloud Proxy, before they are ingested. This will include all Cloud Proxys.

If you want to drop all logs or remove fields from all logs select the Apply to all logs radio button top right and make your configurations.

For more information check out the VMware Apps and Cloud Management Tech Zone! Another source is the VMware Cloud Management YouTube channel, check it out here!


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