We can monitor Linux filesystems and Windows drives in Aria Operations with Alerts using Symptoms and instanced metrics, as detailed here. This allows you to monitor every Linux fileystem and every Windows Drive across your environment.
By default there is one Alert monitoring all Linux fileystems and Windows drives, shown below.

As you can see, it's defined by two Symptoms, each with a different threshold. Looking at the Symptoms in more detail we can see Operations is evaluating this Symptom against instanced metrics, that is to say for all instances of Linux fileystems and Windows drives.

You'll notice the same for the Symptom triggering a Warning at 90%.

I would like to add Symptoms at 85% and 80%, which I've done here. You'll notice I put the threshold value in the Symptom Name as well for easy viewing.
I can now add these two new Symptoms into my existing Alert definition, like this.

All Linux fileystems and Windows drives will now trigger Alerts at 95%, 95%, 85%, and 80%.
But what about these Conditions? You'll notice we can use Conditions or Symptoms when defining an Alert.

Conditions are a bit different in that they can be easily created while defining an Alert, but are only used within that Alert Definition. Whereas Symptoms can be used across multiple Alert Definitions. You should also note that Conditions don't support instanced metrics, see here.

Because of this, I couldn't use a Condition to define the 80% and 85% thresholds I wanted in my Alert Definition for all Linux filesystems and Windows drives. Conditions are great (they were introduced in Operations 8.5 HF2), but not quite as powerful as Symptoms. Enjoy!