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Using the View Percentile Transformation in Aria Operations

Brock Peterson

I was looking for a way to determine metric peaks in Aria Operations and how long they stayed at those peaks. Initially I considered the Peak metrics we capture.

While these are good, they don't tell me how long the peak sustained, and they aren't available for the metrics I actually want (CPU and Memory usage).

Then I considered Super Metrics, but they don't support time series manipulations yet. Next I tried using Views and the Maximum Transformation, but that only gives us a single data point (the maximum) over the interval being considered. While considering the Maximum Transformation, I noticed the Percentile Transformation, one I'd never used.

Now this is interesting! As documented, the Percentile Transformation returns a percentage of time the metric in question is below the configured value. For example, if I'm considering CPU Usage % and configure the Percentile Transformation to be 95%, and the returned value is 40%. That means that for 95% of the time over the given interval, CPU Usage was 40% or lower. It's not exactly what I wanted, but gets me close. I created a Dashboard to reflect these VMs metrics.

The Percentile Transformations are included for each VM across the top, along with a brief description of what the Percentile Transformation actually is. If you'd like this Dashboard (and Views) you can download it here. Enjoy!


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