The VMware vROps super metric, so powerful! Out of the box, VMware and Blue Medora provide thousands of metrics, but there are still times you might want to create your own. Say for example you want to know Max CPU Usage for all ESXi Hosts on a Cisco HyperFlex Cluster, create a super metric!
In vROps 6.x, the super metric editor wasn't the most intuitive, but in 7.5 it got much better, and in vROps 8.0 it's as clean as it's every been. It's now simple to create super metrics, preview results, and enable them in your policies. Here's what I did to generate the super metric I mentioned above:
1. Administration - Configuration - Super Metrics - click the green + sign
2. Gave my super metric a name and description:
3. Clicked NEXT to create the super metric formula. Here you can select from the Functions and Operators drop downs. You can also control + space for assistance:
I chose the Max function since I wanted to capture Max CPU usage across all ESXi Hosts.
I then did a control + space to be prompted for my arguments. I was first prompted with: adapter type, object type, object. I chose adapter type vCenter Adapter, which then prompted me for the Object Type and I chose Host System, which presents you with the following:
I did another control + space to be prompted for my next arguments. I was prompted with Metric Type, Property Type, Metric, and Property. I chose Metric, scrolled down to CPU|Usage (%), and selected it. At this point I had the following formula:
The depth=1 argument is default and needs to be adjusted for your environment. In my lab, the ESXi Host is two steps below the Cisco HyperFlex Cluster, the object to which the super metric will be assigned, so I adjusted to depth=2.
Once complete, you can confirm your super metric works via the Preview tab. Type the name of your object in the Objects field, select the appropriate one, and you'll have a preview.
4. Clicked NEXT to assign the super metric to an object type, in my case the Cisco HyperFlex Cluster.
5. Click NEXT to enable the super metric in your active policy. Previously, you had to do this via policies and drop downs that weren't terribly intuitive. This guidance makes for much more efficient and bug free super metric creation.
6. Once done click FINISH.